MMDers: The MMD "Comprehensive List" is about to grow. Jody will be
adding two new categories to this list:
1. "Instrument Manufacturers", and
2. "Restoration Supplies".
There are many overlapping entries of these categories in the MMD Links
page that will moved to this list in the coming weeks.
If you know of a business or hobbyist who fits either of the two new
categories, please send their data to me, to be included in the list.
Supply the following (in this format if you can):
Category: (Instr. Mfg., or Rest. Supplies)
Vendor's Name: (e.g. Smith's Leather Supply House)
Contact Name: (e.g. Joe Smith, Prop.)
Phone #:
Fax #:
eb page:
Catalog?: (Yes or No)
Since: (e.g. 1996):
Payment: (e.g. cash, check, Visa):
Karl Ellison
[ Please note: Restoration Supplies means just that: vendors of
[ materials to be used for restorations. We do hope for some entries
[ here that are unusual, i.e., not thought of as traditional. For
[ instance, I know of one collector who had a palate of lead tubing
[ made for himself and one or two other collectors who had similar
[ instruments. We seek suppliers, not entries for 'Repair
[ Businesses'. -- Jody