Jeff Alterman wrote, in 000918 MMD:
> I wonder how many of your reader think the same way that I
> do and from experience at least some your reader think that B.A.B.
> music sounds better than Wurlitzer music.
I, for one, would argue that it is a matter of personal taste; that
"beauty is in the ear of the beholder." As for myself, I prefer the
Wurlitzer arrangements so much that I consider it a waste of time to be
subjected to the B.A.B.s, knowing there is stuff I like better out
there. To my taste, the difference in quality of the arrangement is
like that between hearing Jo Ann Castle at the keyboard, versus a seven
year old child playing Chopsticks with two fingers.
It is likely that the B.A.B. rolls may sound better on certain organs
than others, but I believe also that if the organ does a nice job with
a B.A.B., it should do great with a Wurlitzer roll as well.
I will admit that there are some very nice B.A.B. arrangements out
there - quite different in style than the Wurlitzers but still nice
nonetheless. The rest of the B.A.B. repertoire I consider a chore to
listen to.
I have never heard a tune in both styles where I preferred the B.A.B.
arrangement. I invariably prefer the Wurlitzer arrangement. But again,
that is a matter of taste. The more full-bodied style of the true
Wurlitzer rolls I find exciting. I particularly prefer the earlier
rolls, and again that is a matter of taste; I know that some out there
prefer the later ones. In part that is because I prefer the earlier
songs, and in part because I find the arrangement style evolved over
time, either as a function of changing musical tastes, or else a matter
of different arrangers, or even economic issues.
I understand that some enjoy or even prefer the B.A.B. style
arrangements. I don't understand why, but then again, I don't
understand why some people enjoy seafood, either!
Mark S. Chester