Hi All, I am doing a project for a customer involving a pipe organ and
some dance/band organ book music.
What I need to find out from some "knowledgeables" on this list, is
what ranks or sets of pipes in the typical band and dance organ are
always 'on', or in other words, not affected by the register switches
of the key frame?
Example: usually one set of bass pipes are always on and one set of
Accompaniment pipes is always on. But, what _are_ the pipe set(s) that
are 'on' and what are the (piano) pitches of the pipes? I can't seem
to find this information anywhere. I can find the key frame scale, but
in this case, that does not do me much good other than to tell me what
the _switched_ registers of pipes for the particular organ consist of.
The following organs need to be considered:
Mortier 76, 80, 82, 84, 90, 92, 97, 101, 105, 112, and 115 key
Gaudin 114 key
Decap 70, 72, 90, and 121 key
Verbeek 125 key
The following register divisions need to also be considered, and for
each type of organ, what rank or ranks of pipes per division would
always be ON and what would be the (Piano) pitch of the divisions?
Counter Melody
2nd Melody
What is the (piano) pitch scale for the following pipes in the
following divisions:
Jazz Flute
Loud Violin
Soft Violin
Unda Maris
Harmonic Flute
Counter Melody:
Voix Celeste
Do some of these sets of pipes have octave helpers as well?
I know its a lot to ask, but if some of you experts on these machines
could provide or direct me to some reference where information on the
complete specification of the different scale organs could be obtained
I would really help.
I used to have a book called the Fair Ground Organ that contained a lot
of information (wish I had it now) but it was lost to a 100 year flood
we had a few years ago and I've never been able to find a replacement
copy. Anyone have a spare copy of this book they would like to sell?
Any information anyone could provide would be very useful for my
project. Thanks to all in advance.
Tim Rickman
[ I compiled a detailed list for the Wurlitzer 165 organ which might
[ give you some ideas for a format. See "Wurlitzer 165 Band Organ
[ Specification" at http://mmd.foxtail.com/Tech/ The section
[ "Instrumentation & Controls" clearly lists the ranks which are
[ always 'on' and playing. The pitch of the pipes are given as MIDI
[ note numbers, where Middle C is note 60. The primary user of this
[ specification would be the noteur who is creating new music for the
[ instrument. -- Robbie