I now own two Duo-Art players, one is a Stroud upright with a tracking
mechanism that uses "ears" to sense the rolls edge. The second is a
Steinway OR with holes in the tracker bar. The Steinway appears in
Bowers' "Encyclopedia" on page 306, and is listed there as a 1926
Here's what's confusing me. The Stroud, serial number 86077, is a
1928 piano, according to the 9th Edition of Pierce Piano Atlas. Art
Reblitz mentions that that the data in Pierce is not correct. I also
have a reference from Wilberton Gould's article in The Tuner's Journal
(actually editor's notes on page 5 of AMR reprints of the article) that
says the tracker mechanism without fingers only appeared in 1929.
So, I assume it would be fair to say the Stroud is older than the
Steinway, but what are the correct dates? The case number on the
Steinway is E4523. The plate was repainted so I don't know the
Steinway serial number.
Can anyone make some sense of this?
Ed Chaban