Hello MMD readers, I noticed several postings on the subject of the
John McTammany book.
For many years The Musical Wonder House has featured a mint copy of
this historical volume, in the glass cabinets directly under the Flying
Staircase, just in front of my XY Solo-Orchestrelle (now silent and in
need of rebuilding again). (It would take a carpenter to make enough
room to get the player reed organ out the front doors, as was done when
we moved it there in '63!)
Don't know how many were published, but they used to turn up in old
piano stores which were closing down in the 'Fifties and 'Sixties.
As memory serves me, the Jacob Doll piano company had something to do
with the publication of this important treatise on the early development
for pneumatic player actions. It was an interesting volume and I
believe, but am not sure, that Harvey Roehl's Vestal Press reprinted
this at one time.
Regards from Maine,
Douglas Henderson - Artcraft Music Rolls