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MMD > Archives > August 2000 > 2000.08.16 > 01Prev  Next

Band Organ Rally in Ocean Shores, Washington
By Norm Gibson

The AMICA CAN-AM Pacific Chapter is planning an organ rally on the
Labor Day weekend in 2001.  The location we are working with is the
resort city of Ocean Shores, Washington.  We are currently assessing
the possibility of success by attempting to get an idea of the number
of different size organs and other mechanical instruments that would be
available to attending this rally.

We have the whole convention center and grounds at our disposal, as well
as the support of the city and businesses.  This is a tourist site and
Labor Day weekend is one of their busy weekends.  The convention center
is in the center of the downtown and its businesses.  The city is full
of hotels and two camp grounds.  We have already received letters from
six hotels saying that we could block different numbers of rooms from
them.  We will be doing more research in this and, as we have a better
idea of attendee interest, we will lock them down.

The organ rally is planned for Saturday & Sunday, September 1-2, 2001,
with early arrival on Friday, August 31, 2001, for those who can arrive
then.  Our committee will be meeting on September 11, 2000, to complete
the schedule of events and registration paperwork.

We would appreciate some input from any of you who are interested in
possibly attending the Organ Rally next year and if you would also be
able to also bring an instrument.

Thanks you for your help and interest,
Keep Cranking,

Norm Gibson
Ocean Shores, WA

(Message sent Wed 16 Aug 2000, 22:50:49 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Band, Ocean, Organ, Rally, Shores, Washington

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