I have enjoyed listening to a couple of CD's I got through the Musical
Heritage Society, entitled "The Dutch Street Organ", volumes 1 & 2.
The music is played by Straat Draaiorgel (Pierement) "De Negentiger",
Orgelfabriek Carl Frei, Breda, The Netherlands, ca. 1930.
While the liner notes tell me some about street organs in general, and
a lot about this particular organ, there is NO picture! Can somebody
post a picture of this organ so I can see what I am listening to?
Oh, for those who keep track of these things, the CD's were recorded
in June, 1989, and are MHS512675L (vol. 1) and MHS512755T (vol. 2).
Neither disc is listed in the current catalog.
Tom McAuley
Hutchinson, Kansas