Dear MMDs, The last issue, No. 35, of "Musiques mecaniques vivantes",
the quarterly Journal of the AAIMM, publishes on seven pages an
important listing of French speaking people working professionally
in the field of Mechanical Music (Europe only : France, Belgium,
Switzerland). Of course, many of these "professionals" speak also
other languages (English, German).
You will find the addresses and a short definition of activity of :
- Instrument builders ;
- Specialized musicians, "Noteurs", arrangers, and people making
perforated cardboard or paper rolls ;
- Restorers ;
- Specialists in Automata ;
- Specialists in Phonographs ;
- Two addresses where you may learn how to build an organ or notate
a cardboard or paper roll ;
- A few experts or consultants in our field.
Of course, you may use this listing, but everything which is published
in this Journal is copyrighted, so please, do not reproduce part of it
without asking written authorization first, and anyway mention that it
was originally published in No. 35 (3rd trimester 2000) of the AAIMM
I shall put this listing (with authorization of the AAIMM of course !)
on my web pages Musica Mecanica within a few weeks.
Other articles of interest in this issue are, amidst others :
- a report of the book by Luuk Goldhoorn and the catalogue and CD by
Helmut Kowar about the music boxes from Wien or Prague ;
- a report about Antoine Bitran, noteur in Paris ;
- an article by specialist Etienne Blyelle about two-per-turn
music boxes ;
- an article describing the restoration of a Monkey Automaton on
a small Thibouville reed organ, by Rene Cauche.
You may subscribe to the French association AAIMM (517 members at
mid-July) at the following address :
AAIMM, 113, rue du Mont Cenis, 75018 Paris, France
Tel/Fax : +33 1 42 58 93 49
You may also view the special AAIMM page on the Musica Mecanica web
site at :
The Journal "Musiques Mecaniques Vivantes" (32 to 40 pages per number)
is quarterly. Subscriptions are 290 FF/year in Europe, and 400 FF/year
outside Europe (because of the air mail costs). Separate copies of the
Journal are sold at 65 FF each + postage. No checks, please, the bank
costs are too high ! (1 US$ = ca. 7 FF).
I hope all these details will be useful.
Best regards,
Philippe Rouille (Paris, France)