Later model 58-note and all 116-note Aeolian Orchestrelles had single
rows of secondary valves, on one-inch centers. To make room for the
1-3/8" diameter pouches which actuated these valves, every other pouch
in the row was installed on an elevated wooden cup with a 3/8" diameter
stem, sort of like an inverted mushroom. These were installed in holes
in the pouchboard, between the alternate pouches on the pouchboard
surface. A weird looking arrangement, but a lot more compact and easy
to get to than the earlier design with two staggered rows of pouches
and two secondary valve chests.
On my newly acquired model W, many of these cups were missing, or in
poor condition, so I had new wooden turnings made by a commercial
"back-knife" shop. Needless to say, I had to get far more than the
29 I needed, so I have plenty of extra pouch cups for sale.
These are fully assembled and finished; shellacked, with the gluing
surfaces on the top edge and side milled to bare wood, ready for
application of the pouch and installation. They are the same size and
general shape of the originals, but of the two-piece design (separate
cup and stem) devised by Kevin McElhone.
I will sell a set of 30 for $50 postpaid, or fewer for $2 each; minimum
of four pieces. The blank turnings were only 94 cents a set, but there
was a lot of work for me to assemble, shellac, and machine them --
I ain't doing this to get rich.
Richard Vance