Hi, all. In Mechanical Music Digest 000704, Joyce Brite found a
78-RPM turntable for $12. That's a really good value for folks who
have an occasional need to play old vinyl recordings.
I have been looking to replace both my tired Dual brand turntable
which plays 78s, and my Thorens turntable which I use for digitizing
my old LP's. (In a digital world, vinyl recordings may be regarded as
mechanical music, no?)
[ No, because 78s and LPs are analog anachronisms in a digital world,
[ whereas mechanical musical instruments, with their stored binary
[ music data, are digital anachronisms today! ;) But lots of
[ MMDers enjoy good recorded (analog) music too! -- Robbie
I have found that there are more 78-equipped turntables available
now than there were just a few years ago -- but not for the reasons
I expected.
It appears that the marketplace for "DJ" and "Dance" related equipment
is booming worldwide. While there is some trend away from the use of
vinyl records toward digital music (CD's and MPEG), numerous companies
continue to target the existing vinyl users. These DJ turntables are
very well constructed, include pitch adjustment and many include a 78
RPM speed--used for special effects! Check out
Also, be sure to check out the _hundreds_ of used turntables available
on eBay.
The reason I mention all of this: Just as most music roll collectors
probably would not trust one of their prized rolls to be played on
any old unrestored "pumper" at the risk of being shredded, I am as
concerned that the turntable and cartridge I use does no damage to
the fragile "legacy" recordings which I own. I don't know that I could
guarantee that about a $12 turntable. The only exceptions are old
Doris Day 78's, which I "play" with a roofing nail.
Pete Woodworth
[ Yeah, and I've heard that colorful CDs make a fine target for
[ shotgun shooting practice! :-> -- Robbie