Thank you, Mr. Reblitz, for enlightening me with this knowledge about
what the coils of tubing in the Hupfeld orchestrions are for [000624
MMD]. It says that the coil gets driven by a valve output and then
back to a pouch input. Would it be possible to elaborate a little as
to how this would be achieved? Let me be more specific:
The first problem I see here is that my SJ-Hupfeld scale does not even
cater for a snare drum roll. The drum itself does have two beaters,
though. Were these then driven off a single track named "Snare drum"?
As for the repetition, I assume a primary valve (Hupfeld seemed to like
The valve input is connected to the tracker bar for snare drum roll,
for instance. The output of this valve then has to somehow come back
to the input or does it go to a separate pouch that can control the
input? All this is very, very interesting.
Kind regards,
Bernt Damm
Cape Town