I am going to leave June 15th for a 7-week trip to South Africa and
Namibia. I have many musical interests, which include mechanical music
obviously, since I belong to this list, but I also enjoy theatre organs
and am in the process of rebuilding one for my music room.
From time to time I have seen posts from Cape Town and other areas in
South Africa and would enjoy hearing from anyone who is involved with
player pianos, any mechanical musical instruments or pipe organs. My
trip is mainly for rest and relaxation so getting to visit and hear
some piano and organ music would be fantastic.
I would cross post this to the various other music lists but I have
already unsubscribed to all but MMD. I'm afraid my email system would
not like storing the two to three hundred messages I normally get per
day, so I am shutting them all down for the duration of my trip.
I will keep MMD going until the last minute. Thanks in advance for
any information or contacts in the SA area.
Dick Beery
Shreve, OH 44676
ph: 330-567-2906, ext: 225 ; fax: 330-567-3925