Hello, In a couple of weeks I will have the chance to visit Chicago
and the surrounding areas, and will be traveling into Michigan,
Indiana and Wisconsin as well. Does anyone know of any "must see"
exhibits I should hit?
Thank you for your time,
Susan Robinson
[ Editor's note:
[ There are several wonderful private collections in that region
[ but they are not generally open to the public. A referral from
[ a mutual friend is the best way to make contact for an invitation
[ to visit a collection, and MMDigest is a good place to get
[ acquainted.
[ Many collectors wish to keep the exact location and details of
[ their collections out of public listings such as MMD in order
[ to reduce the possibility of burglary, therefore mention in MMD
[ should be limited to generalities. Further information may be
[ exchanged by private email, etc.
[ -- Robbie