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Prices Paid at Chartres Auction 14 May 2000
By Joyce Brite

I am helping Philippe Rouille with reporting the results of the auction
at Chartres, France on May 14, 2000.  (Refer to his article in MMD
2000.05.16).  Philippe was nice enough to have them send me a catalogue
for this auction, which contained some very impressive items.  He also
sent me a list with lot numbers and prices paid.

I have compiled the following list based on the information I was
given.  The catalogue provided an English translation for most of the
items, but not all, so I translated the remainder.  There are probably
some errors in the list I compiled, and perhaps Philippe can help
clarify them when he returns.

Apparently, there were some last-minute additions to the auction.
Lot numbers are given on the price-paid list, but there are no
corresponding lot numbers in the catalogue.  Therefore, I do not know
what items were sold in these instances.

If you have questions or would like a more complete description of
a certain item, please contact me or Philippe Rouille <>.

Joyce Brite
Player Piano and Mechanical Music Exchange

 - - -


Key:    100 FF = approx.    $14 US
      1,000 FF = approx.   $140 US
     10,000 FF = approx. $1,400 US

Item No.    Item name and selling price in French Francs

751  Two books, "Profession forain" and "L'orgue de rue en Europe",

752  Three LP records, 70

755  Books: "L'Accordeon", "Les Arts mecaniques" "Instruments de
     musique", 500, 350 [ Apparently, only 2 out of 3 books sold.
     I do not know which ones - Joyce ]

756  Book: "Au pays des boites a musique" ed. by du Cochet, 920

757  Book: "L'Orgue de Barbarie" by H. Zeraschi, 220

758  Book: "Encyclopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments", by
     Q. David Bowers, 1,000

759  Three video tapes on mechanical music subjects, 100

760  Book: "Les automates de Jacquet-Droz" ed. by Ricci, 900

761  Book: "L'age d'or des automates" by C. Bailly, 750

762  Book: "L'age d'or des automates" by C. Bailly, 900

763  Book: "Le Monde des automates" by Chapuis & Gelis, 6,200

764  Coloured ceramic statue (Staffordshire?), 250

765  "Vieil Armagnac" - bottle with musical movement, 200

766A Musical alarm clock, 400

766B Musical alarm clock, 300

767  An interesting dummy wall wooden telephone, 1,200

768  Fine small violin, 1,500

769  Table bar "roulette" game, 2,400

770  Small mechanical poodle dog, 1,600

771  Musical tile, 600

772  A Merline by "F. G. Dumont a Mirecourt", 3,300

773  Herophonette organette, 18 keys, 5,200

774  Curious music cuckoo clock, 850

775  Photo album with a small music movement, 700

776  Ariston organette, 24 keys, 2,800

777  Small round "manivelle" music box, 400

778  Interesting music snuff box, teeth in groups of five,

779  Musical snuff box, 1,500

780  Musical snuff box, 2,200

781  Musical snuff box, teeth by groups of three, 2,300

782  Two-tune musical snuff box, 1,600

783  Small 14-key organette, 1,500

785  Musical tile, 750

786  Musical tile, 1,000

787  Good musical cigar dispenser, 1,000

788  Fine musical sewing basket, 5,600

789  Gisele, a dancing doll, 1,600

789B ?, 1,300  [It's not clear why this was listed as two lots
     -- Joyce]

790  Automaton by Roullet Decamps: "Singe jouant du Violoncelle",

791  Automaton by Roullet Decamps: "Singe fumeur", 4,800

792  Automaton by Roullet Decamps: "Le petit cuisinier", 28,000

793  Automaton by Lambert: "Dandy fumeur", 25,000

794  Automaton by Phalibois: "Singe violoniste sous une tonnelle",

795  Automaton by Gustave Vichy "Jeune femme jouant de la guitare",

797  Fine singing bird by Bontems, 13,000

798  "Polichinelle, joueur de grosse caisse", a fine pull-along
     toy, 25,000

799  Rare automaton by Phalibois: "L'avocat" (The attorney), 71,000

801  Musical tile, 750

802  Wooden musical clock with 11.5 cm discs, 1,400

803  16-key organette "Serinette Parisienne", by Thibouville,

804  Fine striking automaton silver watch "Indians", 18,000

805  Rare and good key-wind Ducommun-Girod musical box, 10,500

806  Rare small size Art Nouveau style barrel piano, 8,500

806B ?, 16,000  [unclear why this was listed as two lots ]

807  Good and rare Accordeon Jazz Seybold, 66,000

808  48-key "Piano melodieux", 13,000

809  Good coin-operated barrel piano, 8,000

811  Fine and rare Calliope coin-operated and lottery upright
     52 cm disc musical box, with 12 bells playable at will,

812  "Serinette Parisienne", 16-key organette, 10,000

813  "Organina Thibouville" 24-key organette, 17,500

814  "Amorette", 16-key organette with automaton dolls in a
     house, 2,200

815  Good 47-key Limonaire Fournier fairground organ, 105,000

Numbers 816 to 840: these lots are parts of a fairground carousel which
was operating in the East of France from the beginning of the 20th
Century until circa 1950.

816  Fine jumping horse, by Bayol Freres in Angers, 22,500

817  Fine jumping horse, by Bayol Freres in Angers, 17,500

818  Fine jumping horse, by Bayol Freres in Angers, 13,000

819  Wooden panel for a fairground organ, 6,500

820  Fine carved wooden swan, 13,500

821  Fine carved wooden swan, 12,500

822  Large carved pink painted wooden pig, 9,500

823  Large carved pink painted wooden pig, 10,000

824  Large carved pink painted wooden pig, 10,000

825  Rare and fine painted and carved lion, 20,000

826  Rare and fine galloping stag, 31,500

828  Jumping horse by Limonaire, 5,500

829  Galloping horse by Limonaire, 8,000

831  Carved and painted wood running cow, 18,500

832  Small carved wood pig, 14,500

833  Carved wood galloping he-goat [billy goat], 18,000

834  Grey painted galloping horse, 3,000

835  Fine jumping horse by Bayol Freres in Angers, 16,000

837  Nine painted panels, 16,000

838  Exceptional group of ca. 112 mainly wooden panels, 41,000

840  Group of elements for gondolas, 8,000

841  [Unknown item, late addition? ], 5,000

842  [Unknown item, late addition? ], 8,500

842B [Unknown item, late addition? ], 4,400

842C [Unknown item, late addition? ], 4,000

842D [Unknown item, late addition? ], 7,500

842E [Unknown item, late addition? ], 1,500

842F [Unknown item, late addition? ], 1,700

842G [Unknown item, late addition? ], 1,200

845  Automaton of a violin player seated on a barrel, 8,000

846  Fine mechanical toy by Roullet Decamps, 22,000

847  Fine mechanical toy by Roullet Decamps, "La Harpiste",

848  Bush with singing birds by Bontems, 53,000

849  Famous automaton by Lambert "L'Escamoteur" (The Conjurer),

850  Rare automaton by Roullet Decamps: "Page fumeur" (The
     Smoking Page), 29,000

851  Fine automaton by Lambert: "Jeune fille a l'oiseau",

852  Charming automaton of a girl and her cat, by Lambert,

852B ?, 4,500  [unclear why this was listed as two lots ]

853  Automaton by Marcu, of a young woman with a flower basket,

853B Round metal cage with two mechanical singing birds,

854  Wooden miniature fairground carousel, 3,800

855  Animated scene of a baker, 1,500

856  Amusing music toy depicting a clown, 500

857  Small modern automaton, 1,000

858  Six figures for an animated shop-window, 600

859  Six figures for an animated shop-window, 600

860  Shop-window automaton, 1,400

861  [Unknown item, late addition? ], 400

862  [Unknown item, late addition? ], 2,500

863  Small music box with a "Gisele" dancing doll, 3,600

864  Fine and rare coin operated inter-changeable Mermod musical
     box, 43,000

865  Nice table Polyphon, plays 50 cm discs, 24,000

866  Portable 32-key reed barrel organ, 14,000

867  Amusing coin-operated music box with dancing dolls, 21,000

869  Fine 24-key portable reed organ, 16,000

870B Fine street organ, 40,000

871  Table 24 cm disc Polyphon musical box, 4,000

872  Ariston 24-key organette, 4,000

873  Pneumatic 88-note Aeriol Pianola piano, 5,000

874  Music clock with 2 automatas and a landscape, 5,200

874B Rare "bull's eye" shaped automaton clock, 20,000

876B [ Unknown item ], 4,000

877  6-tune cylinder musical box, 1,700

878  Small organette, apparently 10 keys, 1,600

880  Wooden musical clock, 900

881  Hohner, 900

883  Two small music box movements, 600

884  Several various parts, 500

885  Bols musical decanter, 200

886  Nine 20.5 cm metal discs, 280

887  Ca. twenty pneumatic piano rolls, 16 65-note rolls &
     3 88-note rolls, 350

888  Three 20.5 cm metal Polyphon discs, 400

889  Ten 62.5 cm metal Polyphone discs, 400

890  Two lots of 80 to 100 pianola 88-note rolls, 5,200

891  Remnants of a mechanism (clock and musical movement) for
     a large musical picture clock.  Complete? but very rusty,

892  Various parts, 200

893  Small wooden modern musical box in the shape of a piano, 150

894  Small German accordion, 600

895A Old accordion, 500

895B Old accordion, 1,000

895C Old accordion, 600

895D Old accordion, 600

896  Dynamometer to measure muscular strength, 700

897  [Unknown item, late addition? ], 4,200

898B [Unknown item, late addition? ], 800

899  Book: "Histoire illustree du phonographe" by A. Marty, 300

900  Old postcards with phonograph theme, 1,900

901  Poster: "La voix de son Maitre Pathe Marconi", 1,500

902  Book: "Histoire illustree du phonographe" by D. Marty, 300

903  Four works about the phonograph by Marty, 600

904  Nine old works about the phonograph, 1,700

905  43 old documents about the phonograph, 2,100

906  Plaster reproduction of "His Master's Voice", 200

907  Four phonograph master recordings, 450

908  Small child's phonograph, incomplete, 300

909  Getraphone, small toy phonograph, 500

910  Small child's phonograph, 900

911  Bing, Kiddyphone, rare child's phonograph, 2,500

912  Phonograph with rare, telescoping horn, 1,800

913  German child's phonograph in iron, 1,200

915  Pygmola, child's phonograph in iron, 700

916  Phonograph for "Musica" discs, 1,300

917  Disc phonograph, 2,000

918  Cylinder phonograph, 700

919  Wax cylinder phonograph, 1,200

920  Chantal phonograph, 500

921  Epiphone No. 18 disc phonograph, 8,000

922  Large phonograph with blue floral horn, 2,200

923  Parlographe, technical apparatus for the office, 1,000

924  Edison Dictaphone, 1,200

926  Edison Amberola for cylinder, ca. 1913, 6,000

927  Nice Edison apparatus (plays sapphire discs), 5,200

928  Curious phonograph with wood case, 1,300

929  Walking doll figure for phonograph, 2,300

930  Italian doll figure, 500  [ Philippe will have to help
     translate this one.  The catalogue says, "Italian doll
     eating discs."  This is either a misprint or some strange
     machine! -- Joyce ]

931  Nice Pathe phonograph, Model E, 12,500

932  Portable phonograph, 3,100

933  Le Gaulois.  Wax cylinder phonograph with glass horn,

934  "Le Pingouin Kid" phonograph in portable case, 300

935  Phrynis phonograph with large pink horn, 4,200

936  Pathe phonograph - Night & Day, 2,300

937  Phrynis, case in varnished wood, 2,900

938  Amusing phonograph, 2,200

939  Small phonograph for 78 rpm discs, 1,300

940  Cylinder phonograph, Pathe Chante-clair, 2,600

941  Cylinder phonograph lacking horn, 700

942  Planing machine for wax cylinder, 1,400

943  Paillard case with two plates, 500

944  Phonograph case in sculpted wood, 2,000

945  Small floral horn, gradated mauve color, for Phrynis, 600

946  Cornet horn for cylinder apparatus, 550

947  Horn in box by Mega-Horn, gradated blue color, 1,700

948  Large phono horn, repainted floral blue, 300

949  Important lot of miscellaneous pieces for phonographs,

950  Curious radio mechanism, 2500

952  Reading head for Gramophone, 140

953  Movement for Edison Home without horn or head, 1,800

954  Phono for cylinder, 500

955  Thirteen cylinders Inter grand module, 450

956  Two boxes for cylinders, Bettini small module, 3,300

957  Twelve cylinders inter, fair state, 650

958  Eighteen cylinders Inter, good state, 1,000

959  Thirty-five cylinder, small model, fair state, 500

960  Twenty-four cylinders, small module, good state, 800

962  Juke Box "Rock-Ola", Princess model, 3,000

963  Pierrot Gourmand advertising box, 120

964  Important lot of 78 rpm discs, 280

965  Fourteen 78 rpm discs, 500

966  Four disc jackets, 100

967  Two albums of Columbia discs, 300

968  Four colored 45 rpm discs, by Fats Domino, 700

969  Three advertising discs, Pathe sapphire, 1,700

970  Two colored 33 rpm discs, 550

971  Two small albums for children, 250

972  Small album of six colored discs for children, 300

973  Five animated discs, with magic mirror, 2,700

974  Colored Saturne disc, in Yiddish, ref S211, 300

975  Eleven discs for child's phonograph by Piccolo, 100

976  Seventeen 78 rpm Tino Rossi discs, 150

977  About 40 selected discs, 520

979  Lot of sapphire discs, 78 rpm, 400

980  Hand-crafted shelf for discs, 200

981  Twenty diverse advertising objects, 1,200

982  [ unknown item, late addition? ], 320

983  [ unknown item, late addition? ], 100

984  [ unknown item, late addition? ], 200

985  [ unknown item, late addition? ], 400

986  [ unknown item, late addition? ], 220

988  [ unknown item, late addition? ], 200

989  [ unknown item, late addition? ], 100

(Message sent Mon 29 May 2000, 04:46:26 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  14, 2000, Auction, Chartres, May, Paid, Prices

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