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End-of-Summer Fundraising Drive In Progress. Please visit our home page to see this and other announcements:     Thank you. --Jody

MMD > Archives > May 2000 > 2000.05.12 > 10Prev  Next

FS: Thorens Discs
By Kevin McElhone

The following 4-1/2-inch diameter discs have serrated edge drive.
They all play on my Thorens/Reuge machine.  I would like to sell them
quickly either as a lot of 30 discs or perhaps in minimum lots of 10
titles.  I would also consider a swap for Gem Roller organ cobs.

Thorens/Reuge -- just a number, no name; better condition, some are
rust free:

 Sunshine of Paradise Alley       La Fanfarona Mazurka
 La Norma = Duetto                L'Amour Boiteux Polka
 Old Folks at Home
 Killarney                        My Old Kentucky Home
 Good Bye Mignonette
 The Geisha - Mimosa Waltz        Sinfa
 Moon Moon from The Toreador      She Pah Moh
 Rachciachciach Polka Mazurka     Belle of New York
 Russian Quadrille
 Megprobaltam Nalad Nelkul Elsu   Le Dernier Tango

 Si Tu Veux Marguerite            Saeterjentes Soendag
 Boze Cos Polkska                 Das Autoliebchen Walzer
 La Traviata - Parigi o Cara      Russian Waltz

 Edelweiss - condition as Thorens
 Gite Alpine Polka

Extra discs, Helvetia, just found -- some rust, but same size as all
the others:

 Francesca March                  A Geisha's Life
 Washington Post March            Art Thou Weary
 Robin Adair                      The Geisha - Toy Monkey

Kevin McElhone

 [ Kevin, please tell us the price paid.  Good luck!  -- Robbie

 [ Editor's Note 14May00:  This was originally published with a typo
 [ that cliamed 40-1/2-inch diameter!  Sorry for the confusion.  -Jody

(Message sent Tue 2 May 2000, 18:38:50 GMT, from time zone GMT+0100.)

Key Words in Subject:  Discs, FS, Thorens

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