If anyone can help me identify 2 player actions I would appreciate it.
The first is in a Bell & Company piano. Player Piano Company's ID Guide
says this should be a Baldwin. It has the taller square holes and
tracker ears that would agree. Also the stack looks like a Baldwin
stack with the wooden fingers. The only hitch is the motor is a
4 pneumatic motor when all I see pictured are 5 with Baldwin. Did they
do some 4's? (There is no sign of replacement of the motor. (It also
has what Reblitz calls a "later" Baldwin transmission.
The other would seem to be a Hardman head with tracking on both sides.
The spool box and tracking all seem to be Hardman (also PPC ID Guide
indicates it should be a Hardman or Aeolian). However, this one is
strange. They indicate the Hardman (and Aeolian) have a 6 point double
pneumatic motor, this has a 5 pneumatic single, and the stack is not
like anything I have found descriptions of. It is 2 tier (Hardman is
supposedly always 3) and interfaces with the piano action at the bottom
of the stack. The bottom tier has little (approx. 1/2") wedge shaped
fingers fixed to the bottom of the pneumatics and the top tier has the
same on the end of wires from the bottom of the pneumatics down through
a guide bar to the same level as the bottom ones. (This is in a
Playotone Junior according to the name board, Hardman, Peck according
to the frame and inside top.) Can anyone shed any light on these?
I can work on them without knowing, but I really would like to know.
Much Thanks.