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MMD > Archives > April 2000 > 2000.04.08 > 12Prev  Next

Surplus 78 RPM Records
By A. B. Bonds

[ Damon Atchison wrote in 000407 MMDigest: ]

> I was wondering what other collectors out there do with their
> hundreds of pounds of 1920's-1930's records that are scratched,
> unpopular tunes taking up space?

Myself, I play them and love it.  That being said, there is a email
group being run by Alex Maddocks that is for sales of 78's (the "78-c"
list).  Do a search on his name, should turn up the enrollment site.
If you list your records there, please include the label, record
number, artist and titles.  In most cases expect a buck apiece or so.
There are also dealers who buy 78's, notably for
mundane stuff and Nauck's (do a search on Nauck) for elegant stuff.

Incidentally, keeping records in old-style albums is a great way to
break them -- that happens when you turn the pages.

A. B. Bonds

(Message sent Sun 9 Apr 2000, 02:06:26 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  78, Records, RPM, Surplus

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