I have recently purchased a property that has an old pipe organ and
wish to find out the value because I want to sell it. The only
knowledge I have is what the son of the deceased owner has told me.
He has stated the following to me. "The main part of the organ is a
rank 5 manual Mighty Wurlitzer Theater Pipe Organ. The ranks include
Tibia, Vox, Trumpet, Flute, and memory fails on the fifth rank. There
is a borden rank for the pedals. This part of the organ came from the
Logan Theater in Logan Ohio. ... he continues his father also acquired
a glockenspiel and an xylophone from Robert Morton Pipe Organ, a "toy
counter" (various sound effects actuated by pedal buttons) from the
McVicors Theater in Chicago, and a set of chimes, and bordon pipes for
pedals from a local Tennessee theater."
The organ is in a fair state of repair. Could you please direct me to
how I could find someone that might be interested in this organ. I am
sending this email in hopes that someone might have a use for this rare
Thank you, Charles Dyer charlesdyer@hotmail.com
[ Forwarded by John Tuttle. Please reply directly to Charles and to MMD
[ Theatre organs are a favorite of mine. Perhaps someone that
[ participates in the Pipe Organ List Server could forward this
[ to that group as well. Does anyone have any suggestions ? Unfortunately
[ the number of ranks was not specified in the message... -- Jody