Call for Data
Now's the time to start fresh and put your best foot forward!
If you are a Music-Roll or MIDI dealer, producer, perforator,
auctioneer, please email me the following information:
Business name:
Principal Contact/Owner:
Description of Business (1-2 sentence):
Brochure/Tune-list Available? (Y/N):
Year Business was Started:
Mailing Address:
Voice Phone #:
Hours that phone will be answered:
Fax Phone #:
Email Address:
Web site URL:
Accepted Payment Method (e.g. Visa, checks, cash-only):
Ship Internationally? (Y/N):
If you're already listed in and I never hear
from you, the current data will stand as it is, with blanks in the
newer data fields.
If you're an auction, state it's frequency in the description.
If you know of a business without e-mail, email their name/address to
me and I'll try to contact them by postcard to get this info, or, speak
for them as best you can. Likewise, if you know of a defunct business,
please email me the business name so I can strike it from the list.
Do not refer me to your web site; give me the information in the format
shown (cut/paste it in your reply). Make your description short and
concise. Leave fields empty when they don't apply. Email it to me
with the subject line "Comprehensive List Project". About a month from
now, I'll give the Foxtail web site Release 1.0 of the new web page.
Karl Ellison