Tony Austin said [000217 MMD], "If any MMDer knows of any mechanical
music there with which we might occupy a little of our spare time,
we should be extremely grateful."
Not quite what you asked, Tony, but if you were thinking of doing some
research, Buenos Aires is one of the great undiscovered cities of
Mechanical Music. Welte, Aeolian and Sir Herbert Marshall (Angelus-
Artistyle) all had branch offices there, and the last two made rolls
locally for the Latin-American market.
Some of the Aeolian Argentinian issues were experimentally issued in
London and became popular, notably several works by Dalmiro Costa which
I have specialized in collecting. They're huge fun ! I'd love to have
a potted biography of him (or her) !
Fat lot of use I am. You want fun, not work. Sorry.
Dan Wilson, London