To my knowledge there has never been a kit offered for sale that
replicated an original nickelodeon piano. There have been several
different nickelodeons reproduced, with the most famous being the
Seeburg KT Special reproduced by Bill Edgerton.
Others have reproduced the Wurlitzer Harp (I believe three different
people have made these), the Encore Banjo (David Ramey), the Seeburg G
and the Seeburg H. In Europe several of the large orchestrions have
been reproduced and sold. There are also several reproductions of
large European orchestrions that were made in the 1970's; I have been
told that they were made by Hathaway and Bowers.
I have never seen a book or a complete set of plans for sale for any
of the original orchestrions. Most of the people that have reproduced
these did so because they had an original instrument to copy.
I have always thought that if someone was going to the trouble of
building an orchestrion then they should copy an original machine.
A good copy would then sound like the original. This would give an
accurate representation of the sound that the original roll
manufacturers would have made the intended the roll to sound like.
Unfortunately most of the homemade orchestrions that were made in the
past did not sound as good as an original instrument.
Don Teach