A few years ago in my enthusiasm for mechanical instruments I bought
a pianola cheap for fl 1000 = $ 475. It needs some restoration,
of course, but not too much; the essential parts are okay.
Due to lack of space I have to sell it. I put an ad on some Belgian
web site, in the music department, with the conviction that the pianola
would easily sell since I asked the same price. To my great surprise
there was no reaction. Apparently there are not that many mechanical
instrument lovers in Belgium.
Does anyone know addresses of Belgian or Dutch pianola friends clubs/
societies so I can write them directly?
Jacques Thijs
[ Please visit http://www.cnam.fr/museum/musica_mecanica/ where you
[ will find a list of all the associations. Nederlandse Pianola
[ Vereniging (NPV), the Dutch player piano society, may be contacted
[ via the secretary, Mr. Jan ten Horn <hornten@knmg.nl> -- Robbie