The recent query from Wolfgang Brommer about the relationship between
pipe organs and wine caused me to recall a nearly 40-year-old LP record
in my collection, with a picture of D. A. Flentrop and E. Power Biggs
drinking a toast poured from an organ pipe. The record is Columbia
MS 6117, "Music For Organ and Brass, Canzonas of Gabrieli and
Frescobaldi." The legend under the photo says:
"At a party given at the Busch-Reisinger Museum in Cambridge,
E. Power Biggs played the new organ for the first time. Following
traditional Dutch custom, wine was poured from one of the larger
organ pipes by the builder."
I've scanned two files. The smaller one (61 KB) is a cut of the
picture and accompanying text. The larger one (over 1 MB) is an image
of about 2/3 of the back of the album. If anyone wants the complete
image, I can send it.
Steve McCollum
[ The hall was recently renamed Adolphus Busch Hall; it's a component
[ of Harvard University Art Museums at Cambridge MA. More info at
[ : "This famous instrument
[ was commissioned by the late E. Power Biggs in 1958 and used by him
[ for concerts, recordings, and broadcasts until his death in 1977.
[ It features tracker action, slider chests, classic voicing, low wind
[ pressures, and Werk-prinzip construction." -- Robbie