Hello MMD Readers, It is Christmas morning, and I hope that everyone
is having a happy holiday!
In reply to the post by Hal Davis, I must say that there seems to be
a misunderstanding of the practicality of restoring a Gulbransen piano
stack. I have restored many gully stacks, including the glued-up
versions. I have built Gulbransen stacks from scratch to replace
stacks destroyed by a lack of finesse by owners and other restorers.
In every case, the restored stack played as advertised: "So easy
a baby can play it".
I was taught by restorers who had mastered the technique, and in turn
I have taught the other local rebuilders how to do the Gulbransen stack,
and they all turned out okay.
Let's give the good old Gulbransens a chance. When properly restored,
they play _great!_ True, they are not as easy to rebuild as a good old
Standard Pneumatic Co. action, and it takes longer, so perhaps this is
why they get a bad name.
In closing, let me say again, "Gulbransens ARE restorable!!"
Al Pebworth
Pebworth's Player Piano Center - Home of "Yesterday's Music"