The Wilcox & White Company, of Meridan, Connecticut, held a patent on
their Artrio-Angelus reproducing piano system in which the air flow was
controlled. In contrast, Ampico and Duo-Art were obliged to license
from Welte the basic patent covering the regulated suction system
developed by M. Welte & Soehn in Freiburg.
I'm told that the Artrio-Angelus system gives wonderful musical
performances but only if the system is absolutely airtight. Any small
air seepage upsets the flow regulating scheme, and the pianos volume
and expressiveness declines rapidly. In that respect the Welte suction
regulating method used by the other reproducing pianos is notably
superior, because of it can accommodate the changing leakage in the
player action.
I'd like to learn more technical details about the Artrio-Angelus
player built by Wilcox & White, and also the later embodiment
manufactured by Simplex. Where can I find technical descriptions?
Who has these pianos?
Robbie Rhodes