Hi All, My experiences with US collectors are more or less good.
I wouldn't sell my small parts to the USA, because there are too many
additional costs. But a few times I have exchanged parts with people
in the USA (only things which I am very interested in).
It worked very well, with one exception. Once I exchanged a musical
box and some other small parts for a greater number of Thorens 4.5 inch
discs. The receiver wrote me following e-mail: "Yes, we received the
two packages, late in January. The music box is very pretty, both in
looks and in music!"
Half of the discs I got from that person had a horrible sound. I asked
that person if he could send me some other discs or some other things
instead of them, and in that case I would send back those discs. From
that moment I never got a message from that person.
Out of that I have learned that you can do nothing over that distance
-- deal only with people you know very well.
Regards from Hauke Marxsen (Germany)