Hi folks, After owning and selling five Ampico reproducing grand
pianos over the past 35 years, we have just sold our last one. It will
not be replaced since we have completely run out of space in our home.
Therefore, we have several hundred original small, medium and jumbo
Ampico rolls for sale, all in good condition boxes. The prices,
without regard to size, will be 1-4 at $12 each; 5-9 at $11 each;
10-50 at $10 each; 51-100 at $9 each; over 100 at $8 each. None of
these prices include postage.
If you are interested, you may submit specific titles and your request
will be honored if possible. You may submit substitutes titles, in
case your first request can not be honored. If none of the requested
titles are available, you may elect to cancel the order or allow us to
substitute in the same category, i.e., classical, fox-trots, etc.
We can't inspect each roll to the very end before shipment thus can
not guarantee that there are absolutely no flaws (tears, etc.) in
the entire roll. Any rolls completely unsatisfactory may be returned,
at your expense, for a refund. No roll will be shipped if superficial
inspection reveals any unacceptable flaws.
This original roll inventory represents 35 years of collecting only
the best condition rolls available.
Rick and Betty Cooley