Greetings: The "Lutefisk Lament" was a wonderful bit of humor which
was greatly appreciated after a long day of teaching eight classes of
elementary general music.
I sent the poem to the family of our Swedish AFS son, Staffan, who
lived in our home from 1996-97. His father's response was as follows:
> Oh my dear! Thanks for the lutefish poem. I just can't wait to let
> you taste the gorgeous fermented herring that is part of our summer's
> delight and tradition and is much more of a tummy-tumbler than the
> rather meek and odor-free lutefish.
I wonder what culinary delights we have to look forward during our trip
to Sweden this summer!
Best to all!
Tom & Pat Gregory
Waukesha WI USA
PS: If anyone on MMD would be interested in hosting an AFS student,
let me know and I will forward information. It is a great experience,
one you will always fondly remember.
[ AFS = American Field Service, which places exchange students
[ with families in foreign lands. Earlier this year my wife and
[ I joined our French 'daughter' (AFS student in 1991) and her mom
[ in Alsace for a lot of fun. Now that I am studying French she
[ reminds me of her experiences learning California-style English!
[ -- Robbie