I have a Marshall & Rose player piano with lead tubing which plays 65-
and 88- note top-to-bottom rolls AND also 65- and 88-note bottom-to-top
rolls as made by the Wilcox & White company under the brand names
Angelus or Symphony. (And made by many German companies as well --
a good idea as word rolls played so you could read _down_ the page
instead of having to learn how to read hyphenated words the wrong way.)
So Yes, a player piano playing this way up was even made in USA in the
early days. They made pushups & players; mine is dated 1909 and weighs
more than any other I have ever come across.
By the way, I have some spare Wilcox & White 58-note organ and pushup
rolls still for disposal if anyone is interested in a list.
Kevin McElhone