I have acquired a Pianista player piano that was made either by
Autopiano or Kohler and Campbell. The case has been refinished and
is quite presentable. I think it is walnut and the case is plain.
The piano is fair but needs work. It's a half-note flat, and the
bass strings are dead but they could be twisted and improved somewhat.
The action is either a Standard or Autopiano.
I must get rid of it within ten days. The player must be rebuilt, but
it appears to be virgin unrestored. I may be forced to gut it and sell
it as a regular piano. I know, that's heresy, but I can't store it for
speculation. It had 150 rolls in bad, bad condition.
Is there any purist out there who will put his money where everyones
mouth is and give me 250 dollars for it, and get it out of here?
I would appreciate it.
Carl Meyer 408-984-0482
Santa Clara CA