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Jody, at it's last meeting the National Carousel Association (NCA)
decided to look into creating an archive site. Our biggest asset as a
group is our archives. We, however, do not want it to become part of
someone else's collection. We do want it to be accessible to all of
the public. I believe the new age of factual information, both storage
and access, is in the Internet.
Our concept is to put in on the Internet. Big dreams for a group of
totally web-site dummies. My idea is to post some of our very well-
researched articles that have previously appeared in our publication,
the Merry Go Round Up, a history overlay of the industry, and links.
The links would be to those carousels who have their own individual
history and or pages posted. We would also encourage those who do not
have such pages to create them. Thus we would have a web of information
available to the public.
There would also be a way on contacting our archivist, who is located
in Ventura, California. She would then assist them in specific
questions, if feasible, or direct them to a source.
I have been viewing various archive sites. Of course, my favorite is
the MMDigest. We, however, do not want an interactive site. We do
want to post monthly articles from the archives. I return on a regular
basis to your site because it is constantly being added to. We want
something on the same order.
We also want to have information and activities geared to the children.
None of us are getting any younger and this next generation has to get
hooked on carousels and band organs in order to preserve them into the
next century.
My question is: Do you think this is a feasible concept and do you have
any ideas to help us implement such a project.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Bette L. Largent
Spokane WA