Hi there MMD'rs -- I have a friend who is restoring a Wurlitzer C
and is in need of the wonder light assembly. Does anyone out there
have any parts for a wonder light, anything would be helpful.
Also, has anyone made reproduction parts or have any drawings?
Anything is better than nothing when you are trying to finish
a machine. As always, your help is appreciated,
Thomas Grace
[ Editor's note:
[ The wonder light is described in Bowers' Encyclopedia
[ of Automatic Musical Instruments, page 677:
[ "The 'wonder light' attachment, popular with many different
[ orchestrion makers in Europe, ... was a Wurlitzer exclusive
[ in America. The device consists of a rotating jeweled ball
[ with a light bulb in the center. The swirling colors are
[ reflected in mirrored glass petals which surround the center
[ unit. Wurlitzer recommended the wonder light as being 'ideal
[ for dancing'."
[ -- Robbie