Tim Trager gives a convincing argument for the Seeburg G being the best
all-around nickelodeon, but it has one drawback: while the musical
arrangements are some of the best, there is always the rat-a-tat snare
drum to take your attention away from the music. Maybe it was designed
that way, to get your attention above the din.
He mentions the Seeburg G at Clark's Trading Post. I have a recording
of this instrument, and on the reverse is the sweetest Coinola Midget
with flute pipes you will ever hear. I would nominate this instrument
as the best all around nickelodeon.
I guess we all have our favorites, but Tim brings up a point. Why
aren't there more current recordings of nickelodeons out there? There
are plenty of band organ recordings: just look at Bill Blacks catalog,
for one. Why don't you guys with all the good machines start burning
your own CD's and sell them to MMD members? How can we get the
institutions and museums to record their collections for posterity?
Bill Kenney