In 991007 MMDigest, Mark Kaplan wrote expressing concerns about
shipping an upright reproducer piano on its side.
I would agree that this could be worrisome. The grand reproducers, as
Robbie alluded, were designed to accommodate the fact that they _must_
be moved on their sides. I'm not so sure that the same could be said
for the upright reproducers. In any event, I would contact your insur-
ance company and find out precisely what inspection procedures and
photographic documentation should be undertaken as the piano is being
unloaded, in the event a claim for damages is necessary.
This may be yet another unfortunate example of movers claiming to know
more about musical instruments than the people who have spent months
restoring them. I have fought bitterly with movers over the issue of
lowering a grand piano onto a skid board using the pedal lyre as a
pivot. Inevitably, if damage occurs, I will be the one to have to
repair the lyre. My sympathies go to Mr. Kaplan.
Doug Rhodes