Mechanical Music Mart in Ruedesheim 7 Nov. 1999
By Joerg Wendel
Hello! There are two marts per year in Ruedesheim: one is the weekend
before Easter, the second one is the first Sunday in November.
The next Mechanical Music Mart in Ruedesheim will be held the 7th
of November. It will be open from 10 AM to 3 PM for public in the
Rheinhalle (townhall) in Ruedesheim. It is the biggest mart special-
ised in mechanical instruments in Europe, with exhibitors from all over
Europe, from Spain in the south to Denmark in the north. If someone
would like to exhibit at this mart the reservation has to be done at
least six months in advance because it is always totally booked.
The evening before the mart (Saturday evening) is always a barbecue
in our museum, where all exhibitors and most of the collectors come
together -- always a lot of fun and a lot of wine.
Greetings from the romantic part of the Rhine
Joerg Wendel
(Message sent Fri 8 Oct 1999, 08:41:15 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.) |