My God !! A working Symphonion disk box with 20 disks at a flea market?
I live in the wrong part of the country, in more ways than one! This
woman truly had a guardian angel tapping her on the shoulder, saying
"buy it!" I marvel at people who stumble across such bargains -- this
is similar to landing the lucky lottery ticket.
Mary -- *Do not* do anything with this music box until you have studied
and researched the MMD Archives and searched all the entries under
Symphonion, Disk Boxes, etc. and get a copy of Graham Webb's book,
Restoring Musical Disk Boxes. There is lots of help on-line already
in the archives, so do that first to prevent Mr. Tuttle from having
a coronary.
My own motto is however, if it ain't broke, Don't fix it! Other than a
little of the _right_ lubrication, if the box is running already, for
heaven's sake just leave it alone and play it often!
And if you ever get tired of it, I will buy it from you for every penny
you paid for it.
Tom Detweiler, CA