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MMD > Archives > September 1999 > 1999.09.22 > 05Prev  Next

"O" Tracker Bar Assignments
By Paul Ward

Dear MMD Friends,

Once again I find myself on a tracker bar mission.  Is there a
"standard" format for "O" roll tracker bar assignments for band organs?
I've noticed that the band organ reproduction at:

uses "O" rolls.  I am assuming this is because these roll frames are
more easily found.  Is my assumption correct?

I continue to research the feasibility of this project and have armed
myself with the Wurlitzer 105 plans and now the G. A. Audsley volumes.
(Interesting reading.)  Are there any other books that you would
recommend that I research before I start construction?

I hesitate to ask the next question but here we go...   Does anyone out
there have a copy of the illusive "Treasures of Mechanical Music" by Art
Reblitz, that they are willing to part with?  (Insert laughs, chuckles,
and guffaws here.)

Living close to Mansfield, OH, I have often visited the Carousel
downtown with the children.  The band organ they use is called a
"Stinson."  (Sorry I don't know if it has a model number or not.
Unfortunately, more often then not, they are playing a cassette tape of
a band organ, instead of the real thing!  Yuck!)  I was unable to find
the maker in the "Encyclopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments"  Is
this a "new" band organ manufacturer?  Where can I get information on
this company?

Once again, thanks for your help!

Paul Ward [ drop .geentroep to reply ]

(Message sent Thu 23 Sep 1999, 00:54:02 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Assignments, Bar, O, Tracker

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