Brian Chesters asks if any MMD'rs will be attending the Great Dorset
Steam Fair. Yes, Brian, Mildred and I will return to Tarrant Hinton
again next week to enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds, and fine
Tanglefoot Beer at the GDSF. We'll have our raincoats and "Wellies"
[Wellingtons] because experience has taught us that they are usually
needed, sooner or later.
First timers: be forewarned. The mud is amazingly slippery, gets very
deep very quickly, and tries to suck your shoes off, making it very
difficult and slow to walk.
It's a fantastic show, and you're right, Brian, it's a king sized
event. It takes about two days to walk the show grounds once to see
what's there, before zeroing in on what's of specific interest. There
are typically well over 100 organs registered, so you don't have to go
too far to hear some wonderful sounds to accompany the action. Take
lots of film with you.
It would be our pleasure to meet you, Brian, and any other MMD'rs who
will attend. We'll look for you at your Exhibit, or your may contact
us at the Crown Hotel.
Jack Hardman
Great Falls, Virginia, near Washington D.C.