Bill Budenholzer asked about the organ in the Frank Lloyd Wright
building. It was built by M. P. Moller of Hagerstown MD. The company
went out of business in the early 1990s, after building more than
11,000 pipe organs in a bit over 100 years.
I do not know too much about said organ, but I believe it was of
4-manuals and had a Moller Artiste Roll Player. Such an organ still
exists in Convention Hall in Philadelphia. We heard the roll player
demonstrated for our ATOS (American Theatre Organ Society) Convention
in 1992.
I have seen photos of the Larkin building interior, and while it is
obviously of different decor, it resembles the Lord and Taylor (nee
Wanamaker) store in downtown Philadelphia. The organ spoke into an
open, yet covered court of several stories. As I recall, the building
was torn down in the mid 1960s, organ and all.
Tom DeLay