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Howdy, Here is a web site the members might like to visit: The
Music House at http://www.musichouse.org/ . It is a museum located
in Traverse City, Michigan dedicated to the history of radio and
phonographs, and mechanical instruments including music boxes,
nickelodeons, reproducing pianos and the fabulous "Amaryllis" 97-key
Mortier Dance Organ. You may send for a brochure at:
The Music House
P.O. Box 297
Acme, MI 49610
It contains house recordings and also other interesting recordings.
One of the items I ordered was a cassette, Sounds of the Music House,
Vol. 1. It contained a Regina Orchestral Corona, Model 34, 1899 music
box, Cremona "A" roll nickelodeon, Weber-Aeolian 1925 reproducing
piano, Losche "Angelus" 1910 piano, Link piano with flutes, a
Reproduco, a Bruder 52 key BO and the Mortier "Amaryllis".
Unfortunately Andy Struble of the Music House was not able to come up
with a song listing for the cassette, but the instruments recorded make
it a worthy addition to anyone's collection.
Happy listening,
Bill Kenney