I quit; the keys are on the roof! Is there anyone with solid player
piano knowledge who is anywhere near northeast Minnesota that would
collaborate on a Monarch player?
I have re-strung this instrument, I have rebuilt the stack, etc.,
but it _still_ doesn't work, and my customer is on the verge of putting
a little piece of lead in my left ear. Maybe I can't see the forest
for the trees.
I get the stack to work on the bench, had it working in the piano in
the shop, but alas ... obviously I'm doing something wrong. I've
corresponded via e-mail with a few very helpful people, but we're at
the point where I need someone to physically look at this thing and
point a direction -- diagnose the problem(s).
If you're willing and/or able you may send a quote for your services
via e-mail or to: Pike Piano, Inc., 6962 Hwy 169, Virginia, MN 55792.
It's too hard to reach me by phone due to a healthy tuning schedule.
Conversely, if there are any experts who are interested in giving me
a blow-by-blow, step-by-step private e-mail correspondence course in
diagnosis, I'd be appreciative. Greatly.
Roy Ulrich