In response to Dale Houser's retubing problems, try the following:
1. Find the last note on the back of the tracker.
2. Find the bottom note on the stack where the lead tubing attaches.
3. Follow the tubing up to the end where the broken rubber tubing would
4. Attach new tubing to that found in 1.
5. Skip one note and follow same procedure 1.-5.
If the note found in 1. is not on the bottom row, go to other end and
begin there. I install all the bottom row of tubing, so I have more
room to work, rather than doing every note in order. You'll find a
pattern developing as you install the tubing, i.e., the bottom row from
the tracker will go to the bottom 2 rows of lead tubing.
Remember, the tracker bar will be moved back and forth. Leave yourself
enough length in the tubing to compensate for this.
Jeff Davis