By now you may have read my Microtonal Carillon introduction. I am
looking for a source for cheap surplus solenoids, so that I do not
have use the solenoids from the original Schulmerich Carillons bell
I need about 110 identical push solenoids, 12-17 volt DC, no more than
3/4" in diameter, with a 1/4" to 1/2" throw. I have found some on the
'Net but I am looking for more resources.
Anybody out there with a great electronics supplier, or who has a bunch
of them on hand to sell?
Darren Burgess
South East Just Intonation Society
Gainesville, FL
[ Solenoids from an electric solenoid piano might work. Maybe
[ someone has a set salvaged from an old PianoDisc or Pianocorder
[ system. -- Robbie