For Ron Bopp and the group: I have a slight suggestion toward an
American source for cowbells. I have seen them, tuned but in a general
mix, many times in New England on the old Route 5 antique barns, just
over the Massachusetts-Vermont border. Do not take I-91 and miss them,
as many times some of the bells are found on the left side of the old
road while heading north.
Of course, for Ron and others, it may be all gone now. The bells were
in with tuned sleigh bells, and not the Wurlitzer type. Anyone up in
that area might be able to lead you there.
If also in Vermont, try a phone call to the Kennedy Brothers in
Vergennes, one of the finer antique shops in the state. I will be
up there next week, delivering some "rag" music, and will inquire.
It would help if I had a tonal range, and are they to be manually or
pneumatically operated, such as the sleigh bells were.
Bill Ryan