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MMD > Archives > July 1999 > 1999.07.10 > 14Prev  Next

Copydex Glue
By Dan Wilson, London

Mention of Copydex glue tempts me out of my box as a dedicated
non-restorer.  I'm one of those folk who will obligingly get your
player going for another two or three years and will not normally be
heard from on an august forum such as MMD, being aware that real
restorers do not descend to the expedients I do.

Copydex is a wonderful medium for removing the "star field" in old
bellows cloth (which if you hold up to the light, you see the night
sky). Paint it on the outside of dud exhauster bellows or reservoir
cloth and bingo, that's another 15 years before the dreaded restorer
bares his yellow fangs. (I'm talking from the meanie owner's point of
view here, being one myself.) You can even peel old Copydex off in a
sheet and apply a new layer, if you're a really sad case.

Another bodger's magic elixir is Croid, which is hide glue in a tube
with plasticiser added, so that it can be applied cold and dries out
on exposure to the air. It enables small repairs to be done without
heating up a pot of glue and doesn't prejudice a decent restoration
later as other glues might.

I should say that I don't use motor oil on piano actions, as the
(now deceased) "Piano Professor" pirate technician in London did.
I know my limits.

Dan Wilson, London

Key Words in Subject:  Copydex, Glue

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