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MMD > Archives > July 1999 > 1999.07.10 > 09Prev  Next

Repairing Broken Agraffe
By Richard Schneider

John McClure in 990709 MMDigest wrote:

> Help!  I need some suggestions <snip> with a broken agraffe on the C
> one octave above Middle C.  The shaft won't come out with reasonable
> force applied, and I'm afraid the 'Easy Out' might break off  <Snip>
> is there a recommended liquid to free the part?

Kano Laboratores in Nashville, TN makes a wonderful product called
Kroil, which can be used to free rusted bolts.  I've used it in
hundreds of different applications where all seemed lost after using
the "old standbys", like "Liquid Wrench", WD-40 and the like.  Their
slogan is "Don't Spoil it; KROIL it", and I've found it to be true.

I know they have a web-page out there, but I'm writing from my home
computer and don't have the information at ready hand.

However, if you don't find the web-site, I can sell you an individual
aerosol can, as I keep a pretty sizable stock of it at hand at all
times.  Hope this helps!


Richard Schneider

(Message sent Sat 10 Jul 1999, 08:13:18 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Agraffe, Broken, Repairing

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