Anyone who wants to hear music from ceramic pipes should go to the
site of Geert Jacobs, a Dutch potter who made a marvelous organ from
his grandmother's oak bed. Being a potter, who has made really great
flutes for many years, he made the pipes in clay and they sound great.
You can visit his site on :
I still don't know how people put a web site name in an email so you
can just click on it, so I'm afraid you'll have to type this one.
Enjoy it.
Jacques Thijs
[ The "click on it" feature is generated by the email program at the
[ recipients computer, Jacques. My Macintosh program of 1995 doesn't
[ have the "click-able URL", but the later versions of the popular
[ email programs display the URL with the underline, and also create
[ a linkage to the web browser. -- Robbie