Hi Folks!
This is my first posting to this list, and may very well also be my
last, so please do bear with me.
The recent birth of my son and a subsequent lack of space and time
regrettably now makes the sale of my 1925 Gulbransen Registering player
piano both necessary and a little urgent (at least that's what the wife
Accordingly and regrettably, I am offering up my 1925 Gulbransen
Registering Player Piano on eBay, which one may see at:
I hope you'll take a look, and maybe toss in a bid so that it'll find
its way a good home.
Thanks for your attention,
Bill Connelly (billiam@erols.com.geentroep)
[ I'd appreciate it if you'd let us know what it finally sells for
[ and how you end up shipping it, etc. Thanks -- Jody