Dear MMD's, Our French association and several museums received
an advertisement by a well-known music German publisher, Schott,
about the forthcoming issue of a CD-ROM, in German and English, about
mechanical music.
The English title, "Encyclopedia of Mechanical Music Instruments",
made me think at first it was the Bowers' Encyclopedia on CD-ROM,
but apparently it is not. (It will be interesting to know how Bowers'
American publisher will react.) Does anyone know who made, or took
part in the conception and elaboration of, this CD-ROM ?
Best regards,
Philippe Rouille (Paris, France)
[ I found Schott Musik International at
[ and then Netscape crashed ! I hate gaudy web sites like this: all
[ glitz and little substance. Anyhow, I found no mention of this
[ product at the Schott web site. Maybe soon... -- Robbie