Computer Model of Regina 15.5" Comb
By Wayne Finger
Tell me about your broken teeth! I am constructing a structural
computer model of the Regina 15.5" comb, and I plan to perform
a Finite Element Analysis of it to identify and analyze the highly
stressed areas. Knowing where to look will help improve the
analysis and validate the accuracy of the model.
What will be very helpful is actual historical data about which
teeth most often have broken on Regina 15.5" music box combs.
If you have a Regina 15.5":
- Please look carefully at the comb(s) to see which teeth have been
replaced or repaired.
- Counting from the bass end, identify the position number of the
tooth involved. The first bass tooth is number 1. The tooth to the
left of the height wheel is number 43. The false tooth at the height
wheel is not counted. The tooth immediately to the right of the height
wheel is number 44. The far treble tooth is 76.
- Note if any special event caused the breakage.
- Email the information to Thank you very much.
If you have been involved in the repair of some of these combs, and
can remember any repetitive problem areas or teeth, I would appreciate
hearing about that also.
Thank you very much.
Wayne Finger
(Message sent Sat 1 May 1999, 15:39:29 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.) |